January 21, 2009

Im Rückblick (In Retrospect)

I've been thinking in German ever since I woke up this morning. Often random German words come to me in thought, or a phrase of annoyance comes out every now and then (it's really funny to me that the German phrases that stick in my mind mostly are exclamations of disdain and how to order a pretzel). But today is a little different because a year ago on this day I was on an airplane en route to Germany. It's so crazy to think that a whole year has gone by since I left warm, sunny California for frozen, snowy Germany. All the emotions, anticipations, reality checks, language barriers and victories- it was a hard but ultimately changing and shaping experience. I realized in a new way how much I love my family and friends and what a great thing it is to have a strong support system, but also how much I really do love traveling and experiencing the world in more ways than just reading about it. I can't wait until my next trip!

I'll always love you, Deutschland!

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