June 10, 2011

Coffee Time! (Sadly, Sans Coffee...)

Bill and Jim with the C&C group at Jim's birthday breakfast
I don't want to jinx anything, but I think I'm slowly starting to feel better. This morning, I was excited to restart my morning habit of meeting up with friends at Coffee Time (previously Coffee & Company) after a seemingly endless month-and-a-half hiatus (thank you, baby!). Sometimes there's a full table of people if we all happen to wander in at the same time, and sometimes there's just one or two. Today, Bill and Jim were there and they had plenty to grumble at me about- oh, how I missed the grumbling! As usual, they had lots of worldly wisdom to bestow upon me while I sipped my iced tea, for example: Bill told me a story of how he made a sign to hang up outside his home when he and his wife brought their newborn son from the hospital that said, "Welcome Home, Son- Now Take Out the Trash!" and Jim warned, "Now, I hope you know that thing ain't gonna come out as much fun as it was to make..." (...thanks. I burst out laughing.)

It's good to be able to leave the house again!

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